In episode five we outline the "Because Pyramids" hypothesis, which, in brief, posits that all of western civilization exists because around 6,000 years ago some dudes in buttflaps found giant stone triangles in the desert.
Keeping with the subject of ancient Egypt, we talk about the Book of the Dead and how the Egyptians seemed to have made a science out of investigating the afterlife, building a picture of the various trials and tests a human soul must face and pass after death in order to achieve ascension to the stars. Because of the 2-D nature of Egyptian illustration, Russ associates the depictions in the Book of the Dead with oldschool 2d "platform jumper" videogames, which totally ruins the whole "spiritual enlightenment" thing.
We also touch on the extraordinary nature of the so-called "air shafts" in the Great Pyramid, and specifically the "Queen's Chamber" shafts and the "door" discovered by Gantenbrink, which Zahi Hawass penetrated on live TV ten years later, and the strange, faint marks on the floor of the shaft beyond the door.
This show is almost entirely focused on ancient Egypt. Enjoy!

Book of the Dead. If this was a videogame strategy guide, this would be the creatures list.

Translation: Show up in a boat. Bring people with sun hats. Use the sun hats to build a Sputnik. When the birds come to steal the sun, stand beneath it and pretend it's a hat to confuse them. Do not give high fives to anyone sitting on a table.

The Weighing of the Heart, from the Book of the Dead. That Feather of Truth better have some heft to it.

Boss Fight!!

A side scrolling platform jumper game. See the resemblance? Look, there's even pyramids and mummies.

Queen's chamber. Air shaft opening on left.

King's chamber. Air shaft opening on right.

How the air shafts were formed

Structure of the shafts through the layers of the pyramid blocks. Note the locking blocks, labeled D, below...these keep the entire shaft structure from sliding down into the chambers.

The "door", as Gantenbrink found it

The door being penetrated ten years later

Some of the symbols found beyond the door

Manuscript 512. Note large, annoying worm-eaten area near top.

Some of the symbols from Manuscript 512
(Long comment as I listen)
ReplyDeleteWith the part about waking up and not knowing if you were just dreaming or awake recently, etc.. Being in that liminal confused state. I sort of do this when it comes to my premonition dreams or warnings.
Most recently was the quickest one that I thought was BS because I was drunk. I fell asleep at one end of the bed waiting for my husband. When he comes in 20 mins later I keep talking and he doesn't know what I'm saying. I don't even know what I'm saying because I can't hear my own voice. All I know is I'm worried about the dogs or something, and I remember looking at this weird colored spider like I had tunnel vision on my bedroom wall. It was black with white stripes.
Week later I'm at the same end of the bed when I see a black widow. My bed is on the floor so the black widow was inches from our heads if we sleep down there. The spider didn't have white stripes though.
Few days later, I find a brown spider with a black and white ass, meaning I found that other weird spider. I have had at least 3 dreams about spiders in certain places only to find them in the house, and always poisonous. I know to listen to this warning at least lol.